Organization Structure
Message from Chairperson
KMGN has grown, but our challenge is to rise to the next level: becoming truly collaborative and co-creative. Our strategy and culture must be sustainable, scalable, and independent.
Let us involve as many members as possible to create value and forge partnerships for mutual benefit — for KMers, every network, KM discipline, and KMGN.
The more value we create, the stronger our connections become. Together, we will shape a future where Knowledge Management drives prosperity worldwide.
Thank you for being part of this journey. Let’s take KMGN to new heights.
Olga Smirnova, KMGN Chair 2025
KMGN is a global partnership of KM networks which continually co-create and share value-added KM assets and ideas. To do it more efficiently we institutionalised KMGN in 2021.
The Board of Directors asserts control of the decision making.
Co-Leading Team
Mentor (Chair 2024)
Manfred Bornemann, GfWM
KMGN Chair (2025)
Olga Smirnova, SKIMC
Chair Designate (2026)
Ved Prakash, India KM Society
KMGN has a mentoring system that allows us to continuously train strong community leaders. Board of Directors members elect a new Chair every year.
To provide him or her with necessary knowledge, there is a system of co-leading team. The current Chair is backed up by the support of the Ex-Chair and the Chair Designate. It also allows us to ensure collaboration at all levels of the structure.
KMGN Committees
KMGN has a single, understandable and accepted by the Board of Directors development vector. At the same time, each individual committee has its own initiatives, strategy, tasks and a plan for its implementation. This does not mean that the committees conduct separate activities from the entire network. This suggests that by fulfilling their KPIs, individual units catalyze the overall network strategy. We know what everyone should do to drive and develop KMGN.
Co-leadership inside the committees
2. Each committee is responsible for certain results
3. We are continuosly learning and improving our collaboration skills
4. We practice what we preach
The List of Committees and Their Roles
New Network Onboarding
Committee Responsibilities:
Identify potential networks that could be included in KMGN
Identify network representatives
KMGN orientation sessions for the new networks representatives
Presentation from each new member on KM ecosystem
Introduce KMGN core team to the new networks representatives
Create database of KMGN members along with their expertise
Conduct awareness sessions on KMGN activities and resources
Leader: Ved Prakash
Partnerships & Collaboration
Committee Responsibilities:
Build relations with institutional partners that are associates in the activities of KMGN: sources of knowledge and reputation, development and sales, co-developers of value propositions.
Search, select, initiate the relations, invite and integrate into activities the partners as different industry associations, universities, commercial and non-profit organizations.
Co-leaders: Vadim Shiryaev, Arthur Shelley
Communication Activities & Interaction
Committee Responsibilities:
Initiate and implement the key events of KMGN.
Manage interaction of the network of communities throughout the year.
Develop and scale up a collaborative culture and exchange knowledge.
Position, promote and present key value propositions of KMGN.
Leader: Rudolf D'Souzara
Member: Ritu Grover
Digital Presence
Committee Responsibilities:
Critically evaluate existing digital channels in use
Look for best-of-breed integrated platforms suitable for KMGN
Define and implement governance for all digital channels
Put together a voluntary team of experts to manage the platform(s)
Draw analytics out of digital channels and promote usage based on data
Co-leaders: Ved Prakash, Olga Smirnova
Members: Eli Miron, Hazli Mohd
Positioning and Value Proposition Co-creation
Committee Responsibilities:
Develop a framework and recommendations for all committees to implement positioning within activities
Develop and store the positioning statement
Assist the development of new value propositions and forming them according to a KMGN standard
Preserve the requirements and performance evaluation criteria for VPs
Develop a co-creation algorithm of the value propositions creation
Co-leaders: Olga Smirnova, Faiz Selamat, Daria Ermakova
Designing the future of KM
Committee Responsibilities:
Develop the future of the KM discipline collaboratively by KMGN members through:
◦ Applied research
◦ Courses
◦ Special projects.
Enhance KM new technologies understanding and implementation
Disseminate the findings and learnings among the KM global community.
Co-leaders: Vincent Ribiere, Moria Levy
KMGN Assets Development
Committee Responsibilities:
Manage KMGN finances in support of KMGN objectives
Advise KMGN co-leading team on availability & sustainability of KMGN finances
Facilitate archival of KMGN key assets (activity records & annual meeting minutes)
Leader: Faiz Selamat
Member: Stuart French
Network Leaders