Gesellschaft fuer Wissensmanagement e. V.
Official Website:
Joined KMGN:
Number of members: +350
Number of events:
About Our Network
The Gesellschaft fuer Wissensmanagement e. V. (GfWM) - "Society for Knowledge Management" supports the professional and sustainable handling of knowledge. We promote the development of knowledge management in theory and application as a dialog between business, science, administration, politics and society at large.
The GfWM is an active, regionally distributed and nationally connected network of individuals, institutions and companies active in the field of knowledge management in the German-speaking area. GfWM supports the professional and responsible handling of knowledge and conveys a holistic view of knowledge management. With the GfWM website, newsletter and the annual magazine Das Kuratierte Dossier current information and technical contributions are published regularly.
The GfWM regional groups offer topical events several times a year in various cities in Germany and Austria, interdisciplinary exchange of experience is supported. Practitioners from industry, science and administration as well as interested people discuss perspectectives of knowledge management.
Year of Foundation: 2000 Number of Members: +350 Number of Events: +10
KMGN Network Representatives
Dr. Karsten Ehms
Prof. Dr.-Ing Peter Heisig
Andreas Matern
Dr. Manfred Bornemann
Upcoming Events
Date: October 23th - 24th 2025
Location: frizzforum, Friedrichstr. 23, 10969 Berlin
Registration: [not yet open]
KnowledgeCamp 2025
The KnowledgeCamp is THE leading un-conference on knowledge management in the German-speaking world and, above all, THE annual event of the GfWM. Since 2009, it has been prepared, organised and successfully held on a voluntary basis by members and supporters in cooperation with partners from science, business, administration and society.
The basic concept of the KnowledgeCamp is that of a barcamp. A knowledge-orientated event format that adapts as much as possible to the interests of all participants: The final agenda is set on the day of the event based on a central theme - depending on the interests of the participants.