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KMGN Newsletter. Issue 3
November 2022 Issue #3
KMGN’s latest news, views and insights
The View (Editors Letter)
Dear KMGN members,
A famous British philosopher, Alain De Botton, shared that he likes working with people as he believes change can only come through collaboration (when people come together).
KMGN is committed to enable change through collaboration. We believe that KM can create greater value for the world especially when relevant knowledge and efforts are shared.
Over the past month, we had demonstrated this commitment through:
1. Our first virtual, global KM hackathon (HacKMthon) which brought together more than 150 KMers from 30 countries to collaboratively develop solutions to various KM challenges, adopting the design thinking methodology.
2. Our KM clinic where Pavel Kraus (Swiss KM Forum) shared his learnings on convincing executives about Knowledge Management, based on years of experience in Roche and Novartis organisations.
This newsletter is one more example of how we are committed to learn from each other. Each month, a different KM network will have the opportunity to share about their network, topics which interest them, and profiles of KM professionals in their network.
This month, our friends from the land of thousand islands (17,000!) - Indonesia will be sharing their knowledge in this issue. Don’t miss it!
PS We are constantly seeking new ideas for the newsletter. If you are keen to collaborate and contribute to the newsletter, do contact us at …
Article of the Month: Learning Wallet, A Practical Approach on Learning Agility
Revi Kuswara & Lucky Esa
Learning is loosely translated as "the process of acquiring new or different knowledge, behavior, skills, or values". Naturally, this process is experienced by humans in order to survive and be sustainable.
Curiosity is the basic capital why someone learns. Curiosity drives a person to start something, allocate energy in a focused manner observing and studying the environment through his senses. And most importantly, all of these things affect the quality of one's learning.
While change is getting faster and faster, and in this digital era the speed of change is unimaginable: it's like last week's knowledge doesn't apply this week, this week's science expires next week. We are entering the era of industry 5.0 and the change is even faster: it's not weeks anymore, it's days. Every day humans need to adapt in order to survive and not be swallowed up by changing times. The speed of change and its effects are now popularly associated with the term disruption, over time similar to an exponential curve.
Why Learning Agility?
Because only those who are willing and fast to develop their competencies can ensure the organization is able to adapt to any changes. Learning is a very important thing that guarantees the certainty of an organization to be able to grow and develop in the future.
Learning Agility is not only about improving existing competencies, but also acquiring competencies that are not yet needed but will be relevant in the future, as well as applying these new competencies from now on in the form of a different work pattern than before.
One way to activate a learning culture that leads to Learning Agility is to apply the Individual Learning Wallet. The point is that learning is not waiting for a training call, but someone can learn anytime, anywhere, from anyone, with portions according to their needs, as close as the palm of the hand. Facilitate access to learning for everyone in the organization, return learning accountability to everyone, because the person who best understands the specific learning needs of each is the person himself.
Learning 5.0 has the character of a distributed learning process. This means that knowledge is spread in various places, media, and people, so there is no limit to accessing knowledge. Knowledge is almost free because it is available in cyberspace, it is no longer rigid who can be a teacher and who can be a student. Everyone can be a teacher and anyone can be a student. Everyone can learn from everyone; juniors can be mentors for seniors, and so on.
Building digital platforms, artificial intelligence engines, and a culture of sharing, of course, takes a long time, a huge amount of money, and an intensive effort. One practical approach to start implementing the method is by distributing learning authority to each learner through an individual learning budget (Learning Wallet). Everyone is given a certain budget so that they can choose their own learning process that suits their needs without waiting for a training schedule.
Learning Wallet is the gateway to Learning Agility, by entrusting everyone to be responsible for their own learning process, the philosophy of learner as the center of learning is no longer jargon but real action. Thus, the learner is free to determine his own learning. Learners already have an independent mindset which is an asset that needs to be continuously developed. Not only through regular development patterns such as tiered training programs, but developed every day. Learning little by little every day will build self-confidence which in turn builds organizational resilience because every day people are aware to always improve their competence.
How to make the learning process and human resource development more impactful? How should the pattern set the optimal learning and development budget? This kind of question is often asked when at a seminar or training.
In every organization doing the transformation, learning is the first thing to intervene. The forms of intervention include making a budget policy of 1/4 : 1/4 : 1/4 : 1/4.
The first quarter of the budget is allocated to develop technology-based systems.
The second quarter of the budget is allocated to implement centralized learning (basic, initial and mandatory knowledge).
The third quarter of the budget is allocated for decentralized learning (specific knowledge of each function or unit).
The remaining quarter of the budget is allocated for individual learning, distributed to each employee so that they can choose their own learning according to their needs. We call this individual budget a Learning Wallet. The amount is determined in which talent class each individual belongs to.
For example there are 5 talent classes:
The higher the talent class, the bigger the Learning Wallet. The principle is that great talent needs to be better facilitated through bigger budgets. The star player gets a bigger training investment than other players. This special treatment is applied because the star player who is the "motor of the match" continues to consistently perform, be motivated, and feel at home at his company or organization.
Everyone can use their Learning Wallet to learn anything, that's right, anything. An obvious example is an employee who takes a golf class using his Learning Wallet. Initially he was protested by his superiors because he thought there was no relationship between golf and his job. However, after a while his boss admitted that his team was able to improve its sales performance. It turned out that the employee's communication, negotiation, and confidence skills improved by playing golf.
Below are some examples of incorporating Learning Wallet in the Learning flows :
Figure : Individual uses of Learning Wallet
Figure : Individuals as a Group use of Learning Wallet
Learning wallets need to be opened as wide as possible to create learning euphoria. Everyone is encouraged to proactively identify their learning needs, proactively seek the right learning independently, and be responsible for the program they choose. The essence of Learning Wallet is to trust every learner as an adult learner. They have the right to make their own choices, thus growing a sense of ownership and responsibility for their choices.
This is the true empowerment of learners (empowering learners). Without empowerment, learning is difficult to have a real impact because it is only an instruction and is not owned by the learner. Learning Wallet is more than just budget sharing, it is also the formation of a learning culture that increases engagement and has a real impact on performance.
KM Worldwide Events
KMGN News & Events
October 19 – November, 30 – Leading The Blind/Sighted Enterprise by International Institute of Knowledge & Innovation
Virtual education series: change the innovation in a hyper-turbulent enterprise environment
More information and registration form here
February 14 – June, 20 (each Tuesday 1 PM–2 PM UTC). The new collaboration led by SKIMS
Annual main KMGN course. New collaboration in a modern circumstance. How to manage one of the key organisational drivers. 20 sessions, which helps you to leverage your knowledge about collaboration.
Organization of the Month.
Knowledge Content Services: PMLI
by Revi Kuswara & Lucky Esa
The establishment of PMLI (Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia) Indonesia Maritime and Logistics Education in 2013 is inseparable from the transformation of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia/Pelindo (Indonesia Port Corporation/IPC) into an integrated maritime ecosystem leader. In order to meet the needs of an international standard workforce, PMLI is committed to making itself a center for superior competency development that produces professional employees and cadres of leaders in the fields of port, maritime, logistics, management, and leadership.
As a company that manages the country's strategic business, Indonesia Port Corporation (IPC) start building Knowledge Management in 2018, as Knowledge Management is an important asset for IPC to become a World Class Port Ecosystem.
Therefore, the development of knowledge management must be carried out systematically and 'uniquely' with the awareness and action of all IPC people to contribute. Knowledge Management is not just a tool and a program, it is a culture!
Knowledge Management PT PMLI is a knowledge center in the fields of ports, maritime, logistics, management and leadership for PELINDO employees and all Indonesian people, and in particular has become PT PMLI's innovation program as a center for developing superior competencies in the field of port and logistics in preparing cadres of leaders in the Port industry.
Mr. Revi Kuswara joining in late 2018 serving as Knowledge Management Senior Manager, he started establishing an infrastructure of services called Knowledge Content Services aiming to deliver early approach to establishment of a platform to support the Knowledge Management activities.
In serving several business units with thousands of employees span in some regions, some of the Knowledge-content services are :
Digitizing service & Digital Publishing, including graphic design service
Given almost all of old artefacts are in the form of hard-copy so that transferring it to the digital media is a first step to make it more accessible. And the later knowledge artefacts are produced in a digital form (born digital), though some are still in the form of hard-copies due to the nature of the business processes. This early but the very core process of “capturing” leads to next process eg. Categorizing, Taxonomizing, text-mining et cetera so the content would be easier to put in context later on. While graphic design service is mainly to create a visualization, eg. infographic of business facts, and information to be easier to digest, learned and shared.
Start with building an in-house Learning Management System then put it in the cloud-based infrastructure for better performance, security and broadening accessibility to employees and business partners.
Learning modules content creation start with the core-business process materials such as Harbor Basic and Basic Terminal Operations also some Management skills and English learning modules. It is also collaborating with external training materials providers. Starting in 2021, encouraging the Learning Agility implementation, a sub-system called Learning-wallet was introduced in the Learning Management System. The point of Learning Agility is that learning is not waiting for a training call, but someone can learn anytime, anywhere, from anyone, this Learning Management System also inviting more collaborations with any training providers by establishing a “link” and in the process of implementing services through an API (Application Programming Services) as point of integration.
Collections of library materials in print and electronic form as many as 5,500 collections. The e-library application with some processes as metadata input process, classification, cataloging electronic collection of e-books, e-journals, business data, IPC Publication, research results and printing collection barcode number. A “workflow” related to some process also being implemented for processes include circulation, information tracing, Current Awareness Services and Selective Dissemination of Information.
Web Portal and Mobile-applications
In order to extend the accessibility and usability of the Knowledge-content services, those are provided and presented in the form of “portal” and to provide mobility aspect the services also provided as a mobile application that could be downloaded from the play-store. By implementing these model of frontend the interactions of employees with the system and amongst the employees significantly increased.
In embracing new technologies towards increasing the accessibility and usability of the system, PMLI also doing some prototyping on producing some knowledge-scenarios in the form of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
Of course, the journey of knowledge-content services is still long and winding to get to the Knowledge Management platform service. For this reason, the team tried to develop a “to-be” business model to be able to carry out long-term planning as well as determine short-term targets.
The form of the business model is described following the components in the business model canvas, described as follows:
Figure. Knowledge Management Content Services “to be” business-model.
KM’s Who’s Who: Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, An Activist and Endorser of Knowledge Management in Indonesia!
By Knowledge Management Society Indonesia (KMSI)
Dr. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja is Professor of Knowledge Management and Learning Organization (KM-LO) from the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. He has been actively teaching and research on the KM-LO for over 40 years.
Jann started his career in Industrial Engineering in Institut Teknologi Bandung, as the same of his almamater of bachelor’s degree in 1973. Then, he pursued the master’s degree at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, and the Doctoral level at Institut Teknologi Bandung. During his career journey, he was Head of Management Studio Laboratory, Head of Master of Business Administration Program, and currently is a Head Research Group of People and Knowledge Management. He works widely and intensively with collaborative system with academician, business practices, and organizations (Indonesian companies and government).
Jann has published Indonesian books and articles on Knowledge Management based on research and professional business consultancies. There are some books that being references of KM-LO development in Indonesia such as: Knowledge Management Dalam Konteks Organisasi Pembelajar and Personal Knowledge Management.
His writings mainly focus on knowledge intellectual-social capital management and the building the organization based on KM-LO. He is one of big fans of The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization by Peter Senge. According to his research, the five disciplines represented approaches (theories and methods) for developing organizational innovation based on learning culture and trust, people, and team competencies development, and building a shared vision.
Jann is also active in many KM-LO professional organizations and conferences (ie. Asian Productivity Organization, American Productivity & Quality Center, International Conference on Knowledge Management). Currently, he is President of Knowledge Management Society of Indonesia (KMSI), with more than 300 active members from many organizations.
Under his leadership, KMSI has conducted KM-International Conferences, KM-SUMMIT (2017-2019), Webinars, and KM-Sharing. He is very concern on KM-LO development based on sharing and caring of knowledge and experiences among members.
Be closer: official KMGN channel for sharing news, discussion and any types of collaboration.