Global Knowledge Week
October 14-18, 2024
In 2023, we had 13 countries participating in the KMGN KM week. This year, we are expecting many more. Ensure to participate and be part of the movement - this year and in the future!
KM Week board (cumulative for 2023-2024 projects)
What is Global Knowledge Week?
KM Global Week (October 14-18, 2024) is a prestigious event, uniting KM enthusiasts from a multitude of countries, cities, organizations, universities, and schools. This festival is dedicated to hosting a variety of KM-centric events and activities, all converging towards a singular objective: the advancement of Knowledge Management (KM).
Our mission is straightforward: to increase awareness of and interest in KM.
Our target audience: People interested in Knowledge Management.
Our strategy is comprehensive and inclusive. The spectrum of activities is broad, ranging from cost-effective, five-day online KM quizzes to large-scale, cross-country conferences necessitating substantial investment. This diverse approach ensures that every facet of KM is explored and celebrated.
In this pursuit, we encourage a culture of mutual inspiration and learning. By exchanging innovative ideas and providing unwavering support, we collectively strive towards our unified vision of KM. This vision is not just about enhancing organizational effectiveness; it extends to fostering societal prosperity through the effective management and dissemination of knowledge.
The first global Tacit Knowledge Day
October 16, as part of Global KM Week and in collaboration with GO-TKM we will celebrate our first TACIT KNOWLEDGE DAY.
Networks and individual KMers are welcome.
🌍 KM Week 2024
🌍 KM Week 2023
*Regrettably, Israel's KM Week events were canceled due to the war situation and related events. More information can be found here